Regions: North Africa

The Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language is aimed primarily at persons who wish to gain an initial TEFL qualification. This extensive course will equip the prospective teacher with the necessary skills to enter the classroom with the nece ...

Category Teach Abroad

Get paid to work in a selection of countries from around the world. Travel and see more on days off. Participants can also join a volunteer programme and immerse themselves in another culture or study languages abroad. Short group trips are available as w ...

Category Teach Abroad

COOPI is committed to fighting against social injustice and poverty in the global South and to building a future that guarantees everyone adequate living conditions, equal opportunities and respect of their rights. In order to carry out its development pr ...

Category Teach Abroad

Set up as an educational charity, Bell provides high-quality language training and related educational services. Bell International offers EFL teaching positions around the world to qualified applicants.

Category Teach Abroad

The OISE University of Toronto TEFL certification course, offered in conjunction with job placement assistance from Teach Away, provides the highest quality online instruction in the field of second language acquisition. It is a 100-hour self-directed onl ...

Edvectus matches qualified/certified K-12 (Primary and Secondary) teachers with international school jobs worldwide. We work with carefully selected and vetted international schools that provide all subjects in English.   Whether you are a High Schoo ...

Category Teach Abroad

Kaya is dedicated to making a world of difference through responsible traveling. We promote sustainable social, environmental, and economic development in communities by offering over 150 ethical volunteer, internship, and cultural immersion programs base ...

Category Teach Abroad

Oikos is an association engaged in the protection of the environment and the promotion of voluntary service. Projects include conservation projects, but recently Oikos has expanded its focus to include humanitarian programmes as well.

Category Teach Abroad

International TEFL Academy is one of the world’s largest TEFL certification schools to become professionally trained as an English teacher. ITA trains more than 3,000 English teachers annually and offers internationally accredited TEFL-TESOL certification ...

Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...

Category Teach Abroad

Short and long term projects are available for volunteers who wish to make a difference by volunteering their time internationally. Projects take place in Africa, Latin America and Asia and range from working with street children in Ecuador, teaching Engl ...

Category Teach Abroad

Volunteers for International Partnership (VIP) offers volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups to do international community service in health, social services, environment and education. Work with a rural development project, volunteer in a heal ...

Category Teach Abroad

Since 2008 Reach Out Academy Cairo has been teaching thousands of nonnative speakers English. Doing a CELTA course with us means that you will receive training in modern teaching methods AND you get the chance to put these into practice by teaching local ...

Category Teach Abroad

AMIDEAST hires experienced English language teachers to work throughout the Arab world, including in Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and the West Bank and Gaza. They offer general English cla ...

Category Teach Abroad

WorldTeach is currently looking for the motivated individuals who will serve as volunteer teachers in our yearlong, semester, and summer programs this year. Our volunteer teachers work in diverse countries in a myriad of placements. Placement locations ra ...

Category Teach Abroad

United Planet's unique Volunteer Abroad Quest programme combines volunteering abroad, language learning, cultural activities, learning excursions, and special Cultural Awareness Projects to provide an incredibly fulfilling experience for volunteers and va ...

Category Teach Abroad

Search Associates tries to match qualified teachers and interns with vacancies in international schools worldwide. Search Associates offers highly personalized attention to the candidates and schools accepted into the programme. Search Associates strives ...

Category Teach Abroad

Teach Away is committed to ensuring students are learning from the best educators worldwide and aims to achieve this through a commitment to quality hiring and world-class teacher development. Teach Away offers teaching opportunities for ESL Instructors a ...

Category Teach Abroad

Involvement Volunteers Association Inc. (IVI) helps volunteers from over 16 countries to participate in the many and varied volunteer placements available in an increasing number of lands around the world. Projects include social and community services as ...

Category Teach Abroad

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