List Categories and Listings by G

Global Learning Semesters operates over 40 study abroad programs, hosted at six foreign universities - Intercollege, University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), the University of Alcala, London Metropolitan University, Galen University and the Universidad Autonoma ...

Category Study Abroad

GRAVIS is a rural development charity working to empower communities in the remote but densely populated Thar Desert in Northern India. Our projects include water security in a region which receives rain on average only 7 days of the year; primary educati ...

Category Work Abroad

For students completing a study abroad program in Europe, traveling to new and exciting destinations is all part of the experience. However, figuring out how to get to smaller towns and cities with no major airport connections can be a complicated process ...

Category Funding

GVI project opportunities range from wildlife research projects to care for abandoned street children. Operating across several continents GVI offers a variety of programs with well known organizations such as the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and South Africa ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Goutte d'eau is looking for someone to follow the building of its new project, a farm for young people with disabilities in Kep, South of Cambodia. We are looking for a motivated person with interest and/or experience in building construction. This person ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

At Global Dental Relief our mission is to bring free dental care to children throughout the world. Global Dental Relief Model of Care GDR provides preventive care and oral health education to children with little access to a dentist. In partnership with ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Global Service Corps offers volunteer programmes ranging from two to nine weeks in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship placements of nine weeks and more are available in the same countries. Projects include HIV/AIDS prevention, sustainable agriculture, inte ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

With a view to attracting outstanding local students to advance their studies at home, and meritorious non-local students to pursue higher education opportunities in Hong Kong, the Government established in 2008 the $1 billion HKSAR Government Scholarship ...

Category Funding

Greenforce offers pre-planned adventure travel expeditions in Africa, South America and South East Asia. Programmes include ice climbing in Ecuador, treks and tours across Africa and scuba diving based in Thailand and in the Red Sea. Both beginners and ad ...

Category Adventure Travel

Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Goethe-Institut Toronto offers two different educational programmes- a German language programme as well as further training and development for German teachers in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The Goethe-Institut's la ...

Category Study Abroad

Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia offers volunteer opportunities to those interested in working on an archaeological dig at various sites across Italy. Projects last for two weeks and include accommodation. For further information in English, contact the Grupp ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

For the past two years, GotChosen has been giving away scholarships. During this time, they’ve been building brand awareness and a web presence. They’ve also helped a lot of people pay for their education.

Category Funding

For students or those looking for a change in career, Greenforce's work placements are the ideal option. Internship placements take place in Spain and Ecuador and are available in various fields including business, hospitality organizations, educational N ...

Category Work Abroad

The programmes are available to international medical professionals who wish to learn more from a leading NHS hospital. We offer observerships in Nursing, Respiratory, Allergy, Pharmacy. Placements can last from 4 weeks to 12 weeks. Contact us for more in ...

Category Work Abroad

Start your adventure today. Become TESOL Certified to travel and teach English worldwide with confidence and skill. Receive the industry standard credential required to teach conversational English. Credential: Advanced International TESOL Certificate 1 ...

Category Education

The awards are 100% merit-based as per the request of the funding source.

Category Funding

Go Volunteer Africa coordinates placement of international volunteers who are committed to social development and who seek to learn and contribute by working as part of community initiated projects in developing countries in Africa. Go Volunteer Africa s ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Teach English in China, Korea, Hong Kong, Europe, Saudi Arabia and more. Train to teach English online with our accredited courses and then access our jobs pages for international jobs teaching English. * Externally accredited online courses - fit your st ...

Category Teach Abroad

There is nothing more rewarding than helping those in need. South Africa is in many ways a first-world country. Yet in other respects it is very much a developing country. This dichotomy presents the country with some of its greatest challenges. As a volu ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

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